
Sunday, June 23, 2013

9th Profitable Investment of the blog

On the last days, almost all stocks reduced their prices... A lot of people had their Stop Loss achieved, even though they did everything correctly. As I always said "It is preferable to lose 5% than 90% as OGXP3".
The great thing is that this prediction of June 2nd achieved +10% of profit this week.

NOW, due to one of my last posts and methodology #2, everybody know how to operate UPs and DOWNs of the market.

Good luck for traders!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Methodology #2 to invest in stocks

Today I want to share with you the second methodology I have been using since 2008. The first one is more conservative because you only buy/sell according to the tendency of the price. The second one is good to use with stocks that are oscillating a lot, for example PETR4 ( 0% in the last year). Also it is great to use this methodology when the market is going down (scenario in Brazil currently).

In this picture I show the combination of the 2 methodologies I use, and I show if it was executed buying (UP) or selling (DOWN). Blue arrow means PETR4 achieved PROFIT and Red arrow means it achieved LOSS.

Therefore, in 1 year, using only 2 methodologies, the score "Profit x Loss" was 7 x 2! So, it means you have the chance to earn 25% (every profit = +5% and every loss = -5%) with a specific amount of money with a stock that earned nothing in the same period.

PS: I already added the methodology #2 to the material I am selling on this blog.
PPS: I will send this material to everybody that already bought the methodology until Friday.
PPPS: I will record a video explaining both methodologies (in Portuguese and in English) and I will send with the presentation to everybody who buys the methodology. I will also send to everybody who bought methodology #1.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Prediction of good investments

None of predictions of last week started because the market reduced a lot (BUT now you know how to earn when the market is going down). There are a couple of stocks that continue in a high tendency and I will talk about the best opportunities.
If you don't want to wait until +5%, you can sell the stock before (for example: 50% at 2% and wait for the rest to achieve Stop Loss or Stop Gain ; 100% at 2% because you consider it is a good profit)
ALPA4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 14.83 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 14.05
GETI4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 23.19 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 21.95
KROT3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 31.51 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 33.10

How to earn money when the stock market is going down

Recently, Brazilian stock market has been going down a lot (IBOV reached the lowest level since August 2011). This article may help you to earn money when the stocks are going down!
Good traders know that it is possible to earn money and make some great investments in these moments.
For example, a lot of people are losing money with OGXP3 (reduced 93% in 1 year) and CSNA3 (reduced 66% in 1 year) because they did not used Stop Loss. On the other hand, there are some people who are earning EXACTLY the same amount in the same period. HOW?!?!?
To sum up:
1) You have to identify stocks with a low tendency
2) You rent the stock (for example for 3, 6 or 12 months) - You will pay some money for this rent (it is not expensive)
3) The stock will appear in your custody (as you have bought it)
4) YOUR GOAL is to find the correct moment to SELL the stock
5) You BUY the stock after it reduced even more its price. Therefore your earned money when the price is reducing.
6) At the end of the rent, you have to return all stocks or rent them again.
CONCLUSION: After you rented, it is exactly the same process of buy/sell (but now, it is sell/buy). You will have the same effort to analyze stocks going up or going down!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Prediction of good investments

Don't be afraid of the market. Sometimes you gain and sometimes you lose. This is the life of a trader! Nobody gets rich in 1 year... You have to persist for many years!!!
If you don't want to wait until +5%, you can sell the stock before. I prefer the risk of waiting until Stop Gain or Stop Loss.
Now predictions:
TRPL4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 38.51 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 36.45
RAPT4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 13.10 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 12.45
ALPA4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 15.36 ; Stop Gain +5% ; Stop Loss 14.45

Summary of the Week - How to invest in stocks

1) IBOV reached the worst scenario since October/2011. Because of this, PETR4 and BVMF3 achieved Stop Loss last week (no problem. I prefer to lose 5% than lose 10% without a stop loss...)
2) We still have ALLL3 and EMBR3 waiting to achieve Stop (Gain or Loss)
3) Since the day I created this blog (last weekend of March), IBOV reduced -8,40% and my investments increased +1,78%.
PS: I sent this report to everybody who bought this methodology, so, everyone can evaluate their own profitability.
PS2: This report has many other graphs that I will show them later.
PS3: This report has the history of all investments that I did here
PS4: This report has exclusive stocks that can be bought using this methodology

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to invest in stocks? Como investir em acoes?

A lot of people asked me this question and my answer always is: GREAT METHODOLOGY + DISCIPLINE.
When I started investing I didn't have a methodology, so, I was buying and selling by luck... THIS WAS TERRIBLE! I lost my money to the market... I lost part of my salary... I was stressed (do you recognize yourself here?)
SO, I started studying! But I had MANY methodologies and I started mixing all of them (thinking I would have more profit). TERRIBLE AGAIN...
SO, I thought that I don't have to use many methodologies... I just have to use the BEST one (or the best ones). As you can imagine, I started having more profit!
I want to show that investing in stocks can be effortless and fun. It takes 15 minutes to analyze many stocks using 1 methodology. I started this blog to help people LIKE ME (people who want to earn more money! People who want to be in control instead of waiting).
Of course to do those things you need GREAT METHODOLOGY + DISCIPLINE

(picture = index of the presentation of the methodology I am selling on the website)

Sunday = Prediction of good investments

This week I predict 4 good investments using EVERY TIME the same methodology. Since the beginning of this blog I have only used 1 methodology (the one I am selling on the right corner of the website).
UGPA3 - StartGain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 55.12 ; StopGain 57.87 (+5%) ; StopLoss 53.05
RAPT4 - StartGain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 13.61 ; StopGain 14.29 (+5%) ; StopLoss 12.93
EMBR3 - StartGain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 19.31 ; StopGain 20.27 (+5%) ; StopLoss 18.42
PMAM3 - StartGain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 6.19 ; StopGain 6.49 (+5%) ; StopLoss 5.88

Summary of last week's investments

Although the market reduced last week, we continue with the same stocks because none of them (ALLL3, PETR4, BVMF3, EQTL3) achieved Stop Loss or Stop Gain. BRIN3 and GRND3 did NOT start.
A trader MUST have discipline to earn more money! You will never get rich in one week, month or year. You MUST continue doing everything according to the plan during years.
Your purpose is to beat regular savings (+6,5% per year), then treasury bonds (+8% per year), then VALE5, PETR4, CSNA3 (famous stocks that everybody invests in Brazil). So far this blog is beating all of them!
Doing this EVERY year, you will get rich faster than you think! BUT it will take some years.
Trust me. Great Methodology + Discipline = Success in the future