
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday = Prediction of good Investments

For next week, there are 2 stocks with good probability of achieving profit, IF the trade starts.

BTOW3 - Start gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 15.57 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 14.34
EVEN3 - Start gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 8.58 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 8.07

Let's see what happens with these stocks and with AEDU3 and GGBR4 (going on from past weeks).


# 33 Correct Investment in 6 months

As I predicted last sunday CSMG3 achieved 2% of profit!!! GRND3 and BRIN3 did NOT start, because it didn't achieve the Start Gain price. GGBR4 started and we have to wait to achieve Stop (loss or gain). Also, AEDU3 is opened waiting to achieve Stop.

On my next post, I will tell you my predictions of good investments for next week!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday = Prediction of good investments

Predictions of good investments in Brazilian stocks for the next week.

BRIN3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 21.21 ; Stop Gain +4% ; Stop Loss 19.58
GRND3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 20.65 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 19.44
GGBR4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 17.27 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 16.24
CSMG3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 34.56 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 31.94


Friday, September 20, 2013

# 29, 30, 31, 32 correct investment in almost 6 months

Excellent investments! As I predicted on Sep 09, TCSA3 achieve 3% of profit!
Also, 3 out of 4 investments predicted last week achieved their profit, earning 2% each!
CSAN3 achieved Stop Loss and AEDU3 is still on, waiting to achieve Gain or Loss.

This weekend I will post my predictions for next week investments.

Invite your friends to know this blog!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday = Prediction of Good Investments

Here are my prediction of good investments for next week and all probabilities of achieving based on the same pattern in the past. All of them have more than 75% of probability. Let's hope this week confirm this pattern!

CSAN3 - Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 43.42 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 41.24
CRUZ3 - Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 27.21 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 24.84
LAME4 - Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 16.89 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 15.42
BRML3 - Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 20.23 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 18.72


24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Correct Investments in 5 months!

Excellent week for traders that invest following my blog! 5 profitable investments! On average 2.2% of profit in just 1 week!

As I predicted on Aug/25 POMO4 achieved 3% of profit (it had 88% of probability of achieving it).

Also, last week I did 6 predictions. 5 out of 6 started (MPLU3 didn't start). And 4 out 5 already achieved 2% of profit EACH (they had more than 75% of probability of achieving profit).

TCSA3 and AEDU3 are still open, waiting to achieve Stop Gain or Stop Loss.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday = prediction of good investments

Last week 3 out of 4 already achieved their profit. 1 stock is still waiting to achieve Stop Gain or Stop Loss.

I will post 6 predictions today and I will post all probabilities tomorrow for you.

TCSA3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 9.42 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 8.85
MPLU3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 28.71 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 25.79
ITSA4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 8.65 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 8.09
VIVT4 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 49.36 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 45.88
EVEN3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 8.54 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 7.89
SANB11 - Start Gain (buy ONLY if achieves) 14.12 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 13.22


Friday, September 6, 2013

# 21, 22, 23 Profitable investment of the blog in 5 months

As I predicted last Sunday (09/01) there were some great opportunities with good probability of earnings.

And that is EXACTLY what happened!!! 3 investments achieved their goals (2 in just 1 day!!!). Therefore, more money to investors that follow this blog!

So far, 23 investments achieved profit (74%) and 8 achieved Stop Loss (26%). In a few hours I will post August results for short term investments and long term and compare to benchmarks.

Hope everybody is investing using this blog's predictions!!

Share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday = Prediction of good Investments

A lot of volatility in IBOV last week! Only POMO4 started. Also FLRY3 achieved stop loss last week, reducing a little bit the profit of August (excellent month - next weekend I will create a post about the monthly result).

Now, the predictions for next week:

BTOW3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 14.11 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 13.19
AEDU3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 14.24 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 12.95
SLCE3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 20.05 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 18.35
BBDC3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 31.85 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 29.88
