Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good investment
Last prediction of 2013!
After a terrible year for IBOV (down -13%), this blog did some really good and conservative investments. Next week I will post the results of 2013 of the blog.
My last prediction is a trade that I hope it starts and ends really fast. Also it is low risk (short Stop Gain and short Stop Loss) and it has 94% of probability of achieving the profit (if it starts).
VALE5: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 32.54 ; Stop Gain +1% ; Stop Loss 31.38
I wish everybody and EXCELLENT 2014!
Leonardo Monte.
Friday, December 27, 2013
46th Profitable Investment in 9 months
This was the 46th profitable investment of this blog in 9 months! As I predicted last Sunday (click here to read the post) there were some good stocks to invest during the short week.
JSLG3 had 96% of chance of achieving 2% of profit and this was exactly what happened! You can see on the picture above that the trade started on Monday and finished on Friday (Tue and Wed were holidays).
GOLL4 was another good investment, because it had 81% of chance of achieving 4% of profit! It achieved as I expected, however, it opened on Monday with a GAP, and I could not buy, because my Start Gain price was very inferior to this price. After achieving +4%, the stock reduced a little bit. Unfortunetely, I could not buy it, and, therefore, I consider a correct prediction but it was not profitable.
KROT3 and CPLE6 started, and we still have MPLU3 going one from past weeks. Let's wait another short week to check if they achieve Stop Gain.
Have a great weekend!
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good Investments
Here are my prediction of good investments for the short week we will have next week. Good probabilities of achieving their profit. Be aware that GOLL4 is riskier than the others because of the large Stop Loss.
JSLG3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 15.72 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 14.58
KROT3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 38.52 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 36.63
GOLL4: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 10.12 ; Stop Gain +4% ; Stop Loss 9.21
CPLE6: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 31.94 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 30.14
Merry Christmas,
Leonardo Monte.
Friday, December 20, 2013
44th 45th Profitable Investments
Excellent week! As I posted yesterday, IBOV is not in a low tendency anymore (it is not high either. It is lateral). But just this simple change made 2 predictions achieve their profits!
As I predicted last sunday (click here to read the post) LIGT3 had a good probability of going up and that was exactly what happened! This trade was a little bit different than the others, because LIGT3 paid dividends ($0.53 per share, as you can read an official transcript here). Just that was more than 2%. The good thing is that the stock increased its price +3%. Therefore, if you sold it today, you earned +5% in just one week!
GOAU4 also achieved profit this week. This one I predicted on December 1st (click here to read the post). It had some problems last week as you can see on the graph, but this week earned a lot, and achieved +2% that I predicted it would earn,
So far, we still have MPLU3 going on.
At the end of this week, we started 65 trades. 46 were profitable (70.8%) ; 18 we had loss (27.7%) ; 1 (1.5%) is going on.
Good news, I am using my vacation to develop new backtests for new methologies, and I am testing them in the Brazilian and in the American market!
Have a good weekend!
Leonardo Monte.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Brazilian Stock Market earns +2.21% today
IBOV increased a lot today and seems that the down tendency is not going to happen on the next days. Does it mean that IBOV is going UP? No... This means that it can go lateral for some days (at least this is better than going down).
As I mentioned many times on my past posts, it was really important that IBOV respected the 50,000 points. If IBOV had gone down this number, it would be much more difficult to buy brazilian stocks.
The good thing is that after 12 days practically between 50.000 and 51.000, IBOV is trying to go up and this will probably increase the number of stocks we can buy.
If it goes more than 52,500, than it would mean that IBOV is not lateral, and it is in a high tendency.
Let's see how it goes.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sunday = prediction of good Investments
As I mentioned on my last post, IBOV continues in low tendency, testing the support at 50,000 points.
Therefore, it is time to be conservative with trades. These are the most conservative trades I found to invest my money.
LIGT3: (buy ONLY IF achieves) 21.63 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 20.63
CESP6: (buy ONLY IF achieves) 23.61 ; Stop Gain +1% ; Stop Loss 22.34
KROT3: (buy ONLY IF achieves) 39.68 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 37.84
Have a great week.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday = prediction of good investments
This week, there will be only one prediction:
VALE5: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 33.02 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 31.40
PS: Last week MPLU3 and GOAU4 started and now we have to wait for Stop Gain or Stop Loss.
Have a great week.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good Investments
Here are my prediction of good investments for next week.
I picked these 2 among others to talk about something really important if you are a trader. The importance of Stop Loss and the importance of dividing your money among investments.
Every time I invest I divide my money among the stocks of the week and I divide the money based on the Stop Loss. HOW???
I calculate how much money I can afford to lose of the trade achieves Stop Loss, because, sometimes the Stop Loss is 5%. Other times can be 11% (example MPLU3).
So, every person has to know how much you can afford to lose, and divide the money among trades. In this case, you could decide to divide X on GOAU4 and X/2 on MPLU3. Therefore, if MPLU3 achieves Loss, you will lose the same amount if GOAU4 achieves loss.
This is a suggestion that helps when you have trades with huge Stop Loss like MPLU3.
Another thing I want to discuss quickly, is the Stop Gain price. I recommend the one that has a good probability and a good 'profit-loss'. You may decide to sell everything on +1% because the probability is higher. Others my decide to sell everything on +5% because it has the best 'profit-loss'. Other may sell 50% of the trade at 1% and the rest at 3%. Conclusion: You should do something that makes you comfortable.
IBOV continues with a lot of volatility, and the market is testing 51,000 and 54,000 almost every week.
GOAU4: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 23.62 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 22.38
MPLU3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 29.46 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 26.05
Have a great week.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good Investments
As I described on my last post, last week 2 predictions achieved profit (see full text HERE).
ITUB4 achieved Stop Loss and ITSA4 is still going on.
Here is my prediction of good investment for next week:
GOAU4: Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 23.62 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 22.39
Have a great week.
Leonardo Monte.
Monday, November 18, 2013
42nd 43rd Profitable Investment in 7 months
This week started excellent for traders that follow Effortless Investments!
Today, 2 stocks achieved the goal that I expected.
BRKM5 achieved +3% and DIRR3 achieved 2% of profit in just 1 day!
I predicted BRKM5 on November 3rd (click here) and I predicted DIRR3 yesterday (click here)
Therefore, after 7 months, we have 43 (72%) profitable predictions, 15 (25%) loses, and 2 (3%) trades going on.
Follow this blog and the fanpage on Facebook, so you will never miss one prediction!
Have a great week, full of profit!
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good investments
Last week IBOV respected an important support and recovered a little bit. Now, investors want that it goes above 54,000 and remains above that.
The prediction of last week didn't start because the price of the stock didn't achieve the Start Gain price.
We have only BRKM5 going on, very close of achieving its goal of 3% of profit (need 3 cents to achieve the goal).
And here are my predictions for next week:
ITUB4: Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 33.85 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 31.85
ITSA4: Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 9.52 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 8.89
DIRR3: Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 12.90 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 12.14
Have a great week.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good investments
Last week IBOV gave us a bad sign and reduced a lot, losing an important support (so, it can continues going down to 50,000 or it can recovers this week to 54,000). In times like these you can let your money on your account (and you know you will never lose money), or you can do only conservative trades (so, you will do less trades than before) or, the last one, you can earn money when the market is going down.
Let's talk about the last ones:
1) I will post less trades than before, because I don't want to take risks with my money
2) It is possible to earn A LOT OF MONEY when the market is going down. You can read my post about it HERE. If you want to talk more about it, I can write a post with my predictions of stocks that may go down next week and we can earn some money doing this kind of investments.
Due to this decrease last week, 2 stocks achieved Stop Loss price (TCSA3 and TIMP3). As I always mention, don't worry about it. It is preferable to lose around 5% and stop it, than losing 95% as OGXP3...
We still have BRKM5 and BRIN3 going on, and let's see if they achieve Stop Gain or Stop Loss next week.
After last week, we have 41 profitable investments, 14 losses, and 2 going on.
Here is my only prediction for next week:
BEEF3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 10.61 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 9.84
Have a great week and let me know if you want to learn more about earning money when the market is going down.
Like the fanpage on Facebook ( and follow the blog on Twitter (@EffortlessInves)
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good investments
Here are my predictions of good investments for next week.
BRKM5 - Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 20.02 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 18.90
TIMP3 - Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 11.62 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 10.90
BRIN3 - Start Gain (Buy ONLY IF achieves) 21.22 ; Stop Gain +4% ; Stop Loss 19.57
Have a great week!
Leonardo Monte.
Friday, November 1, 2013
39th, 40th, 41st Correct Investment in 7 months
Excellent week for traders that follow my blog!!!
This week 3 more investments achieved profit! In 7 months, we achieved the 41st correct investment (75% of forecasts!!!).
As I predicted last sunday, GGBR4 had 83% of probability of increasing 2%, and that happened in just 2 days! Therefore, +2% of profit for us!
As I also predicted last sunday, PETR4 had 76% of probability of increasing 2%, and that happened in just 1 day! Therefore, +2% of profit for us!
As I predicted on the sunday before, DIRR3 had 80% of probability of increasing 2%, and that hapened in just 6 days! Therefore, +2% of profit for us again!
We still have TCSA3 going on, waiting to achieve Stop Gain or Stop Loss.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of Good Investments
My predictions of good investments for next week.
PETR4: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 19.08 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 17.63
GGBR4 Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 17.54 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 16.45
38th correct prediction in aprox. 7 months
As I predicted on October 13, FIBR3 achieved +3% of profit this week!
We still have TCSA3 and DIRR3 going on. BRPR3 and CESP6 did not start (the price didn't achieve the Start Gain Price). NATU3 achieved Stop Loss (Don't worry, it is impossible to win all battles. Remember to follow this methodology with discipline, always using Stop Loss, because we don't know how low the stock can go...)
Therefore, 38 Correct Investments, 12 losses, 2 going on, Beating Regular savings, SELIC and IBOV! Let's continue this!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good invesments
Here are my predictions for the next week and the probabilities based on the same patterns in the last 3 years.
BRPR3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 19.58 ; Stop Gain +1% ; Stop Loss 18.14
CESP6 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 23.02 ; Stop Gain +1% ; Stop Loss 21.79
DIRR3 - Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 13.02 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 11.93
Leonardo Monte
37th Correct Investment
Excellent trade! 3% of profit in 5 days! This prediction was posted on Oct 6th, and had 78% of probability of achieving +3%. The good thing about BRKM5 is that it has a good probability of achieving more, and increased +8% (of course, you have more risk if you want to wait a higher profit). On this blog, I prefer the most conservative trades and 3% in 5 days is EXCELLENT!
Also, last week, 4 other trades started: we have TCSA3, FIBR3 and NATU3 going on, and AEDU3 started but achieved stop loss (as I always say, don't worry about achieving stop loss. Using these methodologies, there will always be a 30% of chance of achieving loss, and trust me, you prefer to lose about 5% than don't use a stop loss and lose 20% or more...)
In some hours I will post predictions for next week.
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday = Prediction of good investments
Here are my predictions of good investments for next week.
TCSA3: Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 9.78 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 8.77
AEDU3: Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 13.71 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 12.88
VIVT4: Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 49.52 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 46.14
FIBR3: Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 27.52 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 25.84
NATU3: Start Gain (buy only IF achieves) 49.76 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 47.22
Leonardo Monte
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Excellent week for traders that follow my blog!!!
This week 3 more investments achieved profit!
As I predicted last sunday, BTOW3 had 88% of probability of increasing 3%, and that happened in just 1 day! Therefore, 3% of profit for us!
As I predicted on the sunday before, EVEN3 had 79% of probability of increasing 3%, and that hapened in just 8 days! Therefore, 3% of profit for us again!
As I predicted on Sep 22nd, GGBR4 had 83% of probability of increasing 2%, and that happened in 12 days! 2% of profit for us!
So, after almost 6 1/2 months, we have 36 (76.6%)correct investments, 10 (21.3%) losses, and 1 (2.1%) trade going on.
Tomorrow, I will post my predictions for next week!
Leonardo Monte.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Sunday = prediction of good investments
Here are my predictions of good investments for next week:
BTOW3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 15.31 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 13.95
BRKM5: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 18.33 ; Stop Gain +3% ; Stop Loss 17.28
BVMF3: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 12.82 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 12.14
PETR4: Start Gain (buy ONLY IF achieves) 19.06 ; Stop Gain +2% ; Stop Loss 17.87
Celebrations! Summary of the first 6 months of blog
Hi everybody,
I am happy to share with you the results of the first 6 months of investments of this blog.
As you can see from these pictures, in 6 months, we (because I believe you are investing using my predictions) earned 8.97%. At the same period, IBOV is down by 7.12%. This shows that we are only investing in conservative trades.
The other difference of these investments is that we stop losses really fast. Therefore, we will never lose 10% (or more, in the case of OGX that lost 95%). So far, we did 44 short term investments (trades). 33 profitable (75%) ; 9 losses (20.5%) and we have 2 trades still going on (5%).
In this period almost 4,400 people visited the website! Also, the number of followers on Twitter and Facebook are increasing every week!
In September, this blog received a public recognition on Twitter as you can see on the last picture. It is from a company that decided to praise my blog to all its followers and this increased the number of visitors!
I really want to expand this blog, and I count on you guys to share this blog with your friends on Facebook or Twitter (there are buttons bellow this post)!
Continue following this blog and earning more money than regular investments.
My best,
Leonardo Monte
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