Excellent trade! 3% of profit in 5 days! This prediction was posted on Oct 6th, and had 78% of probability of achieving +3%. The good thing about BRKM5 is that it has a good probability of achieving more, and increased +8% (of course, you have more risk if you want to wait a higher profit). On this blog, I prefer the most conservative trades and 3% in 5 days is EXCELLENT!
Also, last week, 4 other trades started: we have TCSA3, FIBR3 and NATU3 going on, and AEDU3 started but achieved stop loss (as I always say, don't worry about achieving stop loss. Using these methodologies, there will always be a 30% of chance of achieving loss, and trust me, you prefer to lose about 5% than don't use a stop loss and lose 20% or more...)
In some hours I will post predictions for next week.
Leonardo Monte.
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